Sino Tomato Products Co., Ltd.
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High Reputation of Sino Tomato Products

Time:2016/10/17 Click:2133

At the end of September 2016, my factory's equipment stopped running, our company's 28-30% HB tomato paste production quantity to complete 3200MT, 36-38% CB tomato paste complete 3500MT, 220L drum packaging products were completed 7200MT.

The product BOSTWICK indicators better than in previous years. Color A / B average of 2.15 or more, all products judged to be superior products. The picture is as follows:

High Reputation of Sino Tomato Products
High Reputation of Sino Tomato Products
High Reputation of Sino Tomato Products
High Reputation of Sino Tomato Products
High Reputation of Sino Tomato Products
High Reputation of Sino Tomato Products
High Reputation of Sino Tomato Products
High Reputation of Sino Tomato Products

In the first month after the end of the season, we have shipped our customers new orders, and the company started shipping the first shipment of 10 containers from 28 September.

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  • TEL:+86-478-8271258
  • ADDRESS:7F, Jintai Building, Shengli Rd. Linhe, Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia, China